

Curative Medicine

This faculty promotes the training of talented and interested students with excellent educational facilities to obtain the position of Medical Doctor (MD) according to accepted national and international standards. The Faculty of Medical Medicine of Ariana Institute of Higher Education was established in 2013 by the decree of the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan, within the framework o...

Engineering Civil

In our daily life, there are many technical products that we use and find comfort, such as buildings, technical products, roads, bridges, cars, airplanes, etc.; All these technical products have been planned and designed by engineers of various fields. Therefore, every country needs to train cadres in different fields of engineering to perform their duties for the growth of the country's industry;...

Law and Political Science

The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences has been created as an academic and professional institution, with the purpose of responding to the needs of growth and strengthening the legality of Kishore, where the rights, obligations and freedom of Kishore citizens are guaranteed through education. Also, the field of training professional staff (lawyers, politicians, judges, lawyers, defense lawyers,...


The Faculty of Economics was created as a scientific and professional institution with the aim of responding to the needs of the country's economic growth and development, in which the economic growth and development of the country is guaranteed through education. The Faculty of Economics was established and opened in the field of training professional staff in the departments of (finance and bank...


About Us

Introducing Ariana Institute of Higher Education

Ariana Institute of Higher Education was established on 3/07/1383 AH in Diyar Ghobart (Pakistan) to continue the education of Afghan immigrants in the city of Peshawar, in the fields of medicine, engineering, law, political science and economics, and according to some Mabbat faced problems and after that, based on the guidance and necessity of the vision of the government of the time and the Minis...




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Rem veritatis blanditiis rerum consequatur Adipisicing rem et lorem ex cupiditate in eligendi veniam obcaecati earum consectetur

Id repellendus Quibusdam possimus aut doloremque et rem ipsum rerum praesentium aut maxime rerum libero id corporis

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